Forensic Data Center & Applications – Vedicon

Forensic Data Center & Applications

DNA Database

DNA Database Solution offers comprehensive search, match, and profile verification services designed to enhance data accuracy and integrity. These services help organizations efficiently manage and validate their data by providing robust tools for identity verification, data matching, and ensuring the consistency and reliability of information. It provides robust, secure, and scalable data management solutions. DNA Datacenter offers state-of-the-art facilities to ensure data integrity, availability, and protection. Their services include cloud hosting, disaster recovery, and comprehensive IT support tailored to meet diverse business needs.

DNA Profiles and Database Application

DNA Profiles are generated using the physical biological samples through DNA profiling machine available at Forensic Labs.

DNA Profiles Enrolment into the application after analysis and validation by a DNA forensic scientist

DNA Database Application shall import, store, match and export the DNA Profiles of person of interest.

Centralized DNA Profile VerificationForensic Laboratories can connect to avail the profile verification services.

Scalability- It can host DNA profiles connecting the Forensic Labs and additional labs can be added by increasing servers and storage and other IT Components. The DNA Database can add accommodate increasing DNA profiles without affecting the existing operations.

ADVANTAGES & Use Cases: DNA Database Solution

  • Criminal Identification Cases – Match Known Offender à Unknown Evidence
  • Sexual Assault Cases/ Repeat Offenders- Unknown Offenderà Known Evidence
  • Victim Identification Cases – Match Unknown Victims à Known Family Members
  • Lost People & Human Trafficking –  Match Unknown Victims à Known Family Members
  • National Disasters- Unknow Dead Bodies à Known Family Members

AFIS- Advanced Biometric Capture SDK for Fingerprint Scanners

Our Software Development Kit (SDK) adds the power and ease of contactless fingerprint capture to your mobile application.

With its patented technology, the SDK leverages commercial off-the-shelf hardware without special modifications or peripheral devices. Gather fingerprint biometric information by photographing the surfaces of the fingers instead of using a contact scanner to capture a ten-print in less than a minute!

NIST Compliant

The patented contactless capture technology has been tested to be compliant with NIST SP-500-399: “Specification for Certification Testing of Contactless Fingerprint Acquisition Devices”

Easy to use

Minimal training is required to use the SDK to capture a ten-print record in under a minute!

Accurate captures

Leverages our patented technology to produce accurately scaled, contactless fingerprint records ready for AFIS searching.

Everyone is a sensor

Runs on a device that is likely already being carried. No additional device to carry and no added weight.

Capture additional information

Can capture additional information including face and crime-scene latent prints.

Fingerprint Database

Our AFIS Solutions is a revolutionary matching tool to aid Latent Print Examiners (LPEs) in palm fragments and difficult finger impressions that exhibit:

  • Lack of Cores
  • Unknown/misleading orientation
  • Minimal friction ridge detail/minutia
  • Origins from tips and joints.

Outperforms existing matching algorithms on latent impressions incorporating all usable information rather than only minutiae as in traditional approaches enabling more challenging latent prints to be searched.

Offloads complex print searching to the novel matching algorithm.

Assists in comparing latent prints to known suspect reference prints, victim elimination sets, and candidates from AFIS searches.

Easy to use

LatentSleuth provides step-by-step guidance and a complete suite of tools for latent print prep, reference print ingestion, annotation and provides an immediate starting point for difficult LPE manual comparisons.

Match more latents

Provides new opportunities within large search spaces (palms) and/or large reference sets, that could otherwise never be considered by LPEs.

Streamlined markup of comparisons for court documents

  • Uses an overlay to markup latent and reference space ‘in tandem’Mark maiden pairs
  • Paint Ridges

Write Notes

Fingerprint / Palmprint Scanners

Fingerprint (4-4-2) and Palmprint scanners have been synonymous with industry-leading, high-quality palm and fingerprint image acquisition. The palm print scanner produces excellent level 2 and level 3 details, resulting in the best possible match rates. The biometric system has a precision optical block and an image sensor that was designed specifically to deliver the highest resolution images on the market. The result produces astonishingly minute details, supporting improved “lights out” search performance and latent examination capabilities.

Proprietary features enable acquisition of palm print images regardless of positioning on the platen, while patented auto-capture functionality ensures rapid capture of high-quality images—allowing booking officers to focus on safety while our systems ensure sequencing, positioning and print quality. Simplified and automated capture minimizes rejections due to poor print quality.

Key Benefits:

  • Rapid and error-free image capture with Auto-Capturing feature
  • Increase efficiency to automatically capture fingerprints and palms regardless of positioning on the platen
  • Reliable, superior image quality in either 500 PPI or 1000 PPI resolution
  • Reduce capture time with intuitive user guidance and smart buttons
  • Optional components: Silicone membrane for dry fingers, cleaning kit, foot pedal, adaptor for Livescan Cabinet
  • SDK: (included)

Ballistics & Firearms Database

 It is a modern powerful ballistics database management system to automate the whole procedure of examination of bullets, cartridge cases and their fragments: from enrollment and creation of electronic database, matching and split-screen verification to the results of side-by-side comparisons.


  • Creating automated databases for rifled firearms
  • Creating automated databases for fired bullets and cartridge cases seized at crime scenes
  • Computerizing searches against databases based on matching score
  • Comparing bullets or cartridge cases side-by-side

Surface Scanners for Scanning Bullets/Cartridges

  • Automatic scanning of bullets, cases & fragments and creation of their images.
  • No size or shape constraints for bullets/cartridge cases
  • No restrictions on initial orientation of the cartridge case when scanning its head surface
  • Dynamic adjustment of the scanning speed reduces the scanning time.
  • Easy and intuitive to use

High Quality Image Processing For Ballistics

  • The scanner uses several diverse modes for illuminating objects.
  • Side surfaces of bullets and cartridge cases, fragmented shells and deformed bullets are scanned using oblique (indirect) lighting,
  • Heads of cartridge cases are scanned using the following lighting conditions:
  • direct and diffuse ring lighting,
  • 45°-sectored lighting at different angles.

Features & Applications


Functional components :

  • Receive image input
  • Isolate individual graphical objects in the image
  • Classify these objects based on their similarity to writers in the watch list
  • Compute a score representing how well the writers match with the captured document


The database system consists of two modules:

i. Database Builder Ingests reference writing samples and builds a database of “biometric  kernels“ which represent the features extracted  from the reference samples that discriminate  writers from each other.

Matcher uses this database to process questioned documents and identify the writer in  the database who best matches the questioned  document.

Handwriting Examination & Writer Identification System (HEWIS)

I.Forensic Language-Independent  Analysis System for Handwriting  Identification

II.Maintains a database of information derived from “reference” handwriting

III.Determines whether a new, unidentified  writing specimen such as a questioned  document matches any of the writings in  the database.

Side-by-side view of questioned document (left) and known document

Heatmap showing character sequences in  questioned document with strongest  affinity to known writer

Voice Recognition

The solution enables the recognition of suspect/criminals from their voice characteristics by extracting identifiers that are speaker specific.

From these features a statistical model commonly called a voice print or a voice signature is built through which speaker is identified in a database having voice profiles.

How it Works?

When comparing new audio, e.g. authenticating a person against their previously enrolled voice print, and a similarity measure is obtained through pattern matching, the value of which indicates a pass or fail while doing the voice verification in a database

Features and Advantages of SRVIS

ØIt can work with any voice, any dialect, and with very small utterances (as little as 0.5 sec).

ØThe  VoiceID engine processes audio utterances to extract certain features (characteristics that are speaker specific) fed in a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to create a speaker model.

ØDuring authentication, a person’s voice is pattern matched with the speaker models, the value of which indicates a pass or fail.

ØIt also has  artificial voice detection (Deepfake) and anti-spoofing (Replay attack) detection modules.

NIST Certification:

The SRVIS Solution has participated in the prestigious US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Speaker Recognition Evaluation got excellent ranking in Voice Biometric Solution.

Face Recognition

The main objective of this tool is to recognize the suspect images by enhancing the evidence images and videos by applying various filters or enhancing its quality, thus allowing the user to perform analytics to search and match the identity of the person of interest. The sample method for image enhancement and recognition tool working in real world FRS is described as follows:

1.Metadata Extraction: Basic metadata like Author, Size, Extension, DPI and resolution would be extracted in case of images and metadata like CCTV Camera ID, FPS, Resolution, Geo location would be extracted in case of live feeds and videos.

2.Image resampling and resizing: System will resize and resample images using effective algorithms to ensure faster processing and computation speeds without compromising on the accuracy. System can be configured to use different type of algorithms like Bilinear, Bicubic, Nearest-Neighbor Interpolation, Mipmap, Box Sampling etc.

3.Color Adjustment: Necessary color adjustments will be done as part of pre-processing activities to aid in better understanding of images.

4.Forensic Report: The FRS generates the match reports which is customized for court presentations as per the defined report format by FSLs.

Social Media Identity Location and Extraction System (SMILES)

The SMILES (Social Media Identity Location and Extraction System) is a automated toolset that automatically harvest bIometric information from multimedia data. Input into SMILES takes the form of videos, images or documents in all standard formats  and the system outputs EBTS files containing the biometric content to support analysis.

Structured Data

Unstructured Data

Making Unstructured Data Usable

The mainstay of biometric collection is captured structured data using biometric appliances. The amount of structured biometric data is diminutive compared to the amount of unstructured data available through sources such as social media, Internet sites, CCTV camera, Body Cams and the like.

Administered Mode permits ndividual can use a mobile device to capture ten fingers and a face from another person

Advanced Imaging System vs. Photographic Data

Toolmark images were captured using the Advanced Imaging System. The system works by pressing a gel disk against the specimen and then photographing the impression formed on the disk.

Screenshot of Our Software Application---->>>

Forensic Tool Mark Identification System

Toolmark images were captured using the advanced imaging system. The system works by pressing a gel disk against the specimen and then photographing the impression formed on the disk.

Side-by-side Comparison of Toolmarks

Screenshot showing two toolmarks from different specimens from same press.

Vedicon offers comprehensive Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, and Incident Response Solutions, providing advanced threat detection, expert forensic analysis, and swift incident management. Our services ensure robust protection, quick identification, and effective mitigation of cyber threats to safeguard critical digital assets.

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Designed & Developed by Viral Groww

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