Data Protection & Privacy – Vedicon

Data Protection & Privacy

Data Risk Management


The countries are considering data privacy regulations, much of the legislation in question share a few common features. Among them, in no specific order, are:
› New consumer and employee rights over business use of personal data
› Fines for breaches of personal data
› Requirements that only personal data with a business use be held

While it’s reasonable to suspect that the more specific aspects of each piece of legislation may vary widely, those features seem to make up the foundation of a number of bills coming up in multiple countries including India.

Many organizations are attempting to answer a number of questions pertaining to what data they store, why they store it, how they’ll r espond to consumer requests for that data, and who can access it—inside or outside the organization.

For many businesses, those features require new enterprise infrastructure and changes to processes in order to comply. We outline four major principles that help companies master their data privacy processes and maintain compliance with the law.

STEP 1 : Maintaining a Data Inventory
STEP 2 : Managing Data Subject Access Requests
STEP 3 : Managing Third-Party Risks
STEP 4 : Data Retention/Data Minimization
STEP 5 : Incident & Data Breach Management

Data Retention

Exterro Data Retention Solution empowers organizations to develop and implement global data retention schedules in a compliant, defensible, and efficient manner.

This sophisticated solution offers over 500 ready-to-use records for various business functions and data types, simplifying the task of managing both electronic and physical records. Its extensive regulatory library maps these records to regulations and best practices across more than 300 jurisdictions, enabling seamless global compliance even in the face of conflicting retention requirements. By deploying it in conjunction with Exterro Data Discovery, organizations can easily find and delete data in accordance with established retention schedules, reducing the risk associated with data breaches and streamlining privacy compliance and data governance.


Wide-Ranging Records Coverage Exterro Data Retention features over 900 out-of-the-box records
encompassing various business functions and data types, enabling streamlined management of both electronic and physical records.

Mapping to Comprehensive Regulatory Library Exterro Data Retention maps data records to a comprehensive library of global retention regulations and industry best practices, spanning over 300 jurisdictions and nearly 300,000 citations.

Harmonization of Global Retention Requirements Exterro Data Retention expertly balances conflicting retention requirements across multiple jurisdictions, enabling seamless compliance and efficient records management globally.

Robust Collaboration Features Exterro Data Retention enables stakeholders both within and outside the organization to collaborate in real-time on the creation and updating of retention schedules. Collaborative tools include a notification system, the ability to easily publish the current version of retention schedule internally  and externally, and simultaneous access for multiple users to work on the same retention schedule.

Comprehensive Audit Trail The solution maintains detailed records of all changes and communications in the retention schedule, providing a clear audit trail in regulatory investigations and demonstrating transparent, responsible record handling.

Role-Based Access Controls Exterro Data Retention enables organizations to segregate a user’s access to
only the record types relevant to their specific roles, safeguarding privacy and security.

Vedicon offers comprehensive Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, and Incident Response Solutions, providing advanced threat detection, expert forensic analysis, and swift incident management. Our services ensure robust protection, quick identification, and effective mitigation of cyber threats to safeguard critical digital assets.

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